has a no tolerance spam policy. Itservicejunction’s customer support actively monitors our subscriber list’s. Any customer found to be using our Newsletter for spam will be immediately cut-off from use of the product. If you know of or suspect any violators, please notify us immediately at
Every email contains a mandatory unsubscribe link that cannot be removed.
What is Spam?
Spam is unsolicited email also known as junk mail or UCE (Unsolicited Commercial Email). We are sending email’s only to those who have requested to receive it, we are following accepted permission-based email guidelines.
Verification – Itservicejunction automatically sends all of our new subscribers an email confirming their interest in receiving emails from us. Additionally, if our subscribers changes his or her interests or unsubscribes, Itservicejunction automatically sends an email confirmation.
Unsubscription – Every email generated from Itservicejunction contains an unsubscribe link which automatically updates our subscriber lists to avoid the chance of sending unwanted emails to visitors who have unsubscribed.
Contact Information – all of our emails are pre-filled with our contact information
Isn’t there a law restricting Spam?
Yes, but state spam statutes vary so it is important to conform to the strictest standards. Many states have spam statutes, and they all differ; each state has its own definition of unsolicited commercial email. Additionally, there are various federal agencies keeping track of spam including the Federal Trade Commission.
Forward Spam to the FTC – If you would like to forward unsolicited commercial e-mail (spam) to the Commission, please send it directly to (don’t worry, they really want it). The FTC maintains a database of unsolicited commercial e-mail (UCE).The FTC says it lacks the resources to resolve individual complaints; it instead uses the complaints it gets to spot new spam trends and tricks. Messages about illegal spam are forwarded to law enforcement officials, who will pursue the worst offenders. – Use this address to report make money fast (MMF) schemes. Mail sent to this address will be forwarded to the Criminal Investigation Division (CID) for appropriate action.